David Graves      December 4th, 2009 in Blog

As we have just posted on our Status Check page, we plan on releasing Early Action decisions on Dec. 11 in the early-evening/late-afternoon time period (unless some random act of nature strikes!). As such, you do not need to pull up the status check every day next week, hoping and praying that it will show up early, as it will not. In fact, we have to shut the Status Check down, starting today, so we can move forward with the EA decisions for Dec. 11.

I will publish a new post next week about the EA decisions and how you should react, but for now, just be patient for one more week. I also plan on posting the stats for the EA applicants that we send out in a press release every year, just so you know what the group looks like.

Remember, overall decisions for Early Action applicants are not easier or harder than for Regular Decision applicants. The only difference is time lines and when you hear, and many times (deferred EA students), these two factors still end up being the same. As I have said before, though, admission decisions that are made in December are more competitive (as seen by the strength of the deferred group), but the overall or final decisions are equal. In other words, an EA deferred applicant is treated the same (no better, no worse) that an RD applicant, and a number of RD applicants are admitted in February based upon meeting EA criteria. So EA and RD are truly treated the same, just with different time lines (and for those EA admits, I know you love not having to do part II).

I would suggest reviewing one of my earlier EA posts, and then looking at my posts next week, so you can  feel comfortable with how the admissions process works at UGA.

Have a great weekend and be patient, as the EA release date is almost here!

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