Admission Statistics

Admitted Class of 2028: A Competitive Class

took at least one course at an advanced level such as AP, IB or Dual Enrollment.


have a core high school GPA of 4.00 or higher.


graduated first or second in their class.

2024 Enrollment

Overall Enrollment: 41,615

Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,514

Graduate Enrollment: 10,101

First-Year Applications

Applications Received: 43,090+

Applicants Admitted: 16,100+

New First-Year Students Enrolled: 6,150+

*Numbers are estimates

High School Core Grade Point Average

Middle-50% of All Admitted First-Year Students: 4.05-4.33

Middle-50% of All Admitted Honors Students: 4.28-4.47

Standardized Tests

SAT Middle-50% of Admitted First-Year Students: 1270-1470

SAT Middle-50% of Admitted Honors Students: 1500-1550

ACT Middle-50% of Admitted First-Year Students: 29-34

ACT Middle-50% of Admitted Honors Students: 34-35

AP, IB and Dual-Enrollment

Middle-50% of AP, IB and Dual Enrollment Courses Taken: 8 to 13

Get to know our Admitted Class
Interesting Facts

341 admitted students represent 41 different countries and 879 come from homes where English is not the native language.

Students were admitted from 525 different high schools from the state of Georgia and 148 different Georgia counties.

Valedictorians and Salutatorians

The top two graduates from every SACS-accredited Georgia high school are guaranteed admission to UGA, provided certain criteria are met. Approximately 572 of the admitted first-year students were valedictorians or salutatorians.

Top Intended Majors for First-Year Students
  • BS Biology
  • BS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Undecided – Business
  • BS Computer Science (Intended)
  • BBA Finance (Intended)
  • AB Political Science
  • BS Psychology
  • BBA Management (Intended)
  • BBA Marketing (Intended)
  • BSME Mechanical Engineering (Intended)