David Graves      February 22nd, 2016 in Blog

Late afternoon on Friday, February 26, we will be releasing a small
wave of First Year
admission offers. These admitted students, who are
primarily Regular Decision (RD) applicants, are applicants who meet the

criteria that UGA admissions used for Early Action (EA) admits. Just to
stop any questions, there are no set “EA criteria levels” cut-points,
as it is a
review of the combination of grades, strength of curriculum and test
scores, so please
do not ask what the Early Action SAT/ACT, GPA or curriculum criteria is
this group. There will be a very
small number of EA deferred students who are admitted in this round,
mostly because
of an increase in their academic standing (new test scores) or if the
applicant was incomplete for Early Action, but is now complete and is
admissible. We are not able to re-calculate GPA’s on
all deferred and RD applicants based on fall senior grades, as we do not
have the manpower or time to do so (we had almost 23,000 total freshman
applicants this year), so that is why only a jump in SAT/ACT scores
might impact a deferred applicant’s decision. We do though look closely
at the fall grades during our
read process, and we look at grade trends, high/low grades, and
how a student did in their most challenging classes, especially in

Whenever we release these
February decisions, we always get questions, ranging from “Why didn’t
I hear” to “Does this mean that more decisions will roll out through
the month of March” and so on. The next group of decisions after this
round will be in mid-late March, and these will be all the remaining freshman
decisions. From now until mid-late March, our office will continue with reading, and
reading, and reading more files. Please do not contact us and see if you
can get your decision earlier, whether due to a vacation, another
college’s schedule, a birthday gift for an applicant, etc., as we need
to review all of the files before making final decisions.

1,500+ students have received an offer of admission in this round in
the past (we
only do admits during this round), and we will have a large number of
students that we will be admitting in mid-late March as well. I do not
have any estimate on how many students we will admit in March,
as we have to review all the files, monitor deposits, cancellations,
etc. before we can make these decisions. I do not have any
specific academic data about this February group (GPA, SAT/ACT
mid-ranges, etc.), but they should
be fairly similar to the EA admitted group.

 I hope this answers a fair number of your questions.

Go Dawgs!

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